outage_october2022 - DULM News
Server outage
24 October 2022
To whomever it may concern,

The play.dulm server is experiencing an outage since Sunday, October 23rd 2022. It will not be back online until further notice.

The server will not be back online until one week from now, and possibly even one month from now. This is because I am moving and moved the server too quickly, before its new location is ready. The primary purpose of play.dulm was to host the Minecraft server, which has been largely inactive for the last three months. The physical server is not a high priority for me so it will either be moved back to its old location whenever it's convenient for me, or it will be installed in its new location when the time comes a few weeks from now. There is also the possibility of transferring the server to a laptop, since higher priority software may be ran on it and laptops function as a server with a built in uninterruptible power supply (aka: battery that lasts for hours) A laptop will run the Minecraft server and other SSH and web server utilities with no issues.

For those unaware, play.dulm hosts:
Web services for DULM are not impacted by this outage at all.