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Sandy Woods is a small town located in central Gaumley County, Bicland. According to the July 16, 2024 estimate, it has a population of 20 people.


The land in which the current town of Sandy Woods sits on used to be the grounds of the original remake of Greenside City, the first town crlowman ever built in Minecraft, back in August 28, 2013. However, bicboi555 of Bicland called it a “low-effort build”, not knowing the backround behind all the construction. Crlowman was very upset at this haughty rebuttal to his recreation of a memory of his. Then, the area grew back to its original oak forest. Bicboi555 of Bicland found a sand pit in the middle of the forest and got to work to make a town around the amazing sight. Apparently though, crlowman was allowed to build in the town as long as it fitted with the Gaumic style, which he made a few houses and a Main Street style store.


Sandy Woods, as the name implies, is named after some sandy pits founded in the vast Greenside Forest. The Souftonian Alps are to the north whilst the Gaumic Mountains are to its east. The town lies on a vast flattish woodlands mainly comprised of oak trees. Sandy Woods also has a coast to its south called the Gaumside Sea.

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