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Pixelburg is a town located in the southern half of Habila County, Bananil. According to the June 5, 2024 estimate, it has a population of 21.


The area now known as “Pixelburg” was historically known by Squahamia as “Antietam”, due to the geographical similarities of mountains and rivers. However, it took a while before actual settlers came into the area and started building. In May 2024, juolfxard decided to join the dulmCraft server for the first time and went into the area. He started to build a convenience store. Meanwhile, crlowman of Squahamia decided to go up to Antietam and to widen the Interstate as well as build many buildings, including a gas station/convenience store, an elementary school, a waterfront area, several houses and a church. Then, on May 31, 2024, it was incorporated as “Pixelbury”, named after Pixel43, a prominent member of Vipoville, a major city with similar topography.

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