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Port Fucchrimi is a small town located in Eden County, Squahamia. The population is estimate to be 18 people as of the current census.


Port Fucchrimi originally was a homestead on another server made by a player by the name of fucchrimi, hence the name. He owned a homestead on a spruce-covered ridge with a whale statue and a lighthouse on top of said ridge. He also owned a sheep farm nearby. However, one day, crlowman visited him whilst fucchrimi was not home, and he fell for the TNT trap unexpectedly. Thus, the original cabin was destroyed untill hours later, he fixed it all up. In September 2023, crlowman decided to recreate the homestead and turn the concept into an entire town in the southern portion of Eden County.


Port Fucchrimi is a coastal town, bordering the Planeptune Sea to its south. A notable mountain range exists to its west and plains to its east. To the north of the built-up area is a large depression area, which could have been an ancient lake.

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