Oxia is a continent on the dulmCraft server.
The lands now known as “Oxia” were first generated in June 2024, but did not get a name untill February 9, 2025 by bicboi555 of Bicland. He declared the newly generated lands in 1.20 as “Oxia”, named after Oxia County which is actually around -2000
Oxia has two main parts: a northern, more arid part and a southern, more humid part. Juolfxardia is right where the transitional line is at in between the two areas.
Northern Oxia
Northern Oxia is the drier, northern part of the Oxian continent. It is mainly comprised of deserts, mesas, rivers and lakes in between. Two major inland seas occur here: the Red Sea and the Kaspien Sea.
Southern Oxia
Southern Oxia is the more humid, southern part of the Oxian continent. It is comprised of many different types of forests, plains and many bodies of water. The western coast tends to be drier, especially in summer.
Oxia has one nation headquartered in it: Juolfxardia. All the other claims are from the Dulmia continent. Bananil, Bicland, and Ruspine are the other nations who have claims on Oxia.