Finbrutias is a town located in Rodasma County. It has an estimated population of 8 people as of current estimates.
Finbrutias originally started out as a brewery on the edge of Rodasma Town by a Welshman named finlay. He wanted a place to test out and manufacture his beer, but land was getting expensive in Rodasma Town, so he left and went northward. In March 2023, crlowman came in and started to build many houses and a town hall, to help with the exploding growth of population of Rodasma County. Then, in September 2023, the town was officially recognized by the Dulmia World Congress.
Finbrutias is the northernmost town of Rodasma County. It borders Rodasma Town to the south and Yaripastava to the northwest(in Yaripas County). The town is nestled in a small valley almost completely surrounded by mountains except for the northwest. However, there are also low-lying swamp areas at the northernmost edges of town.
Finbrutias' economy is mainly centered around brewing, hence part of the name. However, the town has no wheat or hop farms around, so it imports the materials from Aafscasas County as well as the town of Utah in Spawn County.