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Bronkstad is a neighborhood in the city of Resolut, Rodasma County, Squahamia. As of the March 10, 2025 poll, it has a population of 17.


Bronkstad was created in February 2025 by crlowman shortly after the commencing of the Resolut Stadium by bicboi555 of Bicland. This was meant to be the district that bicboi555 would build in within the city of Resolut, not as a separate city owned by Bicland. However, after bic finished the stadium, he never added anything more. It was all crlowman's efforts from that moment on. He laid out the boulevards and streets as well as the plaza and buildings. The plaza, like all the other plazas, is meant for the entry way into its underground mall, which like the 2025 style malls, will have the 5 layers commenced by crlowman.

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